With 63% green and forest areas, Dresden is one of the major cities in Europe with the highest proportion of vegetation area. With the 1094 km long Elbe, the 8th longest river in Europe, Dresden has direct contact with the sea.
Water sports are also practiced on the Elbe. For example, people can often be found windsurfing, standup paddling, or enjoying a quiet ride on a sailboat. In order for us to continue to enjoy our waters, we need to address the causes of marine litter.
Due to the high percentage of tourists, a lot of trash unfortunately remains on the Elbe meadows, which is washed into the sea.
As a local chapter, we want to spread the word about the Surfrider Foundation and expand the community. Because only a large community can we achieve something. The water surrounds us in all areas. The human being alone consists of 70% water. We originate from the oceans and we should protect it like our own home.
Our main goal is to raise awareness and educate people on the importance of ocean conservation. One of the ways we want to do this is through Clean Ups.
But we also want to fight the causes of marine pollution so that future generations can enjoy the diversity and beauty of the seas. For this to be possible, we need to do something about it now, before it’s too late.
Because: We only have this one world.