Chers amoureux de la mer et de notre littoral,
Tout d’abord, bravo et merci à celles et ceux qui ont animé l’antenne Surfrider Finistère ces dernières années. Après ce petit sommeil, nous souhaitons la réactiver, organiser à nouveau des Initiatives Océanes et des temps de sensibilisation, participer à des événements pour nourrir le débat public, faire progresser les habitudes et les réglementations dans la mesure de nos moyens. Tout cela, pour que le milieu marin reçoive véritablement le soin qu’il mérite.
Les permanents de Biarritz nous accompagnent dans le processus et toutes les bonnes volontés sont bien sûr les bienvenues ici. Ce n’est pas toujours facile d’insérer un peu de bénévolat dans nos vies déjà chargées et taclées par les imprévus, cependant pas de pression : organisons peu d’événements mais organisons-les bien et ce sera déjà parfait !
Au plaisir de vous lire, de vous rencontrer et d’oeuvrer de concert pour ces causes qui nous tiennent à coeur.
Pour la petite équipe naissante,
Dear lovers of the sea and our coastlines,
First of all, bravo and thanks to those who led the Surfrider branch of Finistere these past years. After a little nap, we would like to reactivate this branch, organize Ocean Initiatives again, awareness sessions, participate in events to feed the public debate, enhance behaviors and regulations as much as we can. All this being done for the marine environment to truly receive the care it deserves.
The Biarritz staff is assisting us in the process, and all the goodwill is, of course, welcome here. It is not always easy to find room for a little volunteering in our lives, already busy and punctuated with unforeseen events. However, no pressure: let’s organize few events, but let’s organize them well, and it will already be perfect!
We are looking forward to hearing from you, meeting you, and working together for these causes close to our heart.
For the small emerging team,
First of all, bravo and thanks to those who led the Surfrider branch of Finistere these past years. After a little nap, we would like to reactivate this branch, organize Ocean Initiatives again, awareness sessions, participate in events to feed the public debate, enhance behaviors and regulations as much as we can. All this being done for the marine environment to truly receive the care it deserves.
The Biarritz staff is assisting us in the process, and all the goodwill is, of course, welcome here. It is not always easy to find room for a little volunteering in our lives, already busy and punctuated with unforeseen events. However, no pressure: let’s organize few events, but let’s organize them well, and it will already be perfect!
We are looking forward to hearing from you, meeting you, and working together for these causes close to our heart.
For the small emerging team,