Surfrider Foundation is present in Paris since 2012 because 80% of our waste ending on beaches, in the sea and the oceans have a continental origin. We have to act for environmental protection here for cleaner oceans over there.
✊ Throughout the year, Surfrider Paris organises clean-ups aiming to raise awareness and quantify picked-up waste to elaborate a local pollution mapping. Our key moment takes place on the third weekend of March with a massive clean-up. Our Ocean Initiative gathers hundreds of volunteers in Paris.
✊ Surfrider Paris also organises specific clean-ups focused on cigarette butts in order to encourage Parisians not to throw them on the ground. Because one cigarette butt alone can pollute up to 500 liters of water. Due to inefficient filtering, the cigarette butt thrown in Paris might end up in the Seine and later on, in the Channel.
✊ Surfrider offers recreational workshops, school and high school actions to teach children the consequences of sea pollution and share with them environmentally friendly behaviors.
✊ The branch is finally active throughout the year in public meetings, during music festivals such as Solidays or We Love Green, associative happenings like Alternatiba, and conferences.